This Darth Vader x Stone Cold Steve Austin Mashup Is Good Old Fashion Internetting At Its Finest

Look, I realize that this is more of a throwback Barstool blog where we just posted funny shit we found while browsing the World Wide Web instead of the type of content being pumped up now that we've become this gigantic corporate monolith full of takes and original comedy. But that video was so perfect, I had to throw it up on the blog for everyone to see. I also completely understand that I may feel this way because I have the brain of a ten year old that forever will laugh at these redubbing videos. However I stand by everything I said, even though I will laugh at any video with Stone Cold Steve Austin hollering in the background (along with The Rock, Mick Foley, and pretty much every other WWE superstar or legendary character from my childhood).

In fact, it's outright offensive that it took me this long to even find this video considering it came out in 2020 and was an extended version for one that come out in 2015, which predates Peter Chernin swinging his big old dick from the cracker factory to buy Barstool. Not only that, but I find it almost impossible that Robbie Fox never stumbled upon this video considering how much of his life revolves around Star Wars and wrestling. I choose to believe that Robbie never saw this video instead of saw it and didn't forward it to me because it would probably be an instant friendship ender, which would bum me out because I've grown to love talking nerdy with him on My Mom's Basement. 

The only reason I found out about this video is because the incredible 90s WWE Twitter account posted it yesterday, which got 675,000 views, which is a cool 664,000 views more than the YouTube has. I'm not one to tell you that YouTube's algorithm is bantha poodoo, but I have no choice to believe that due to this video being a hidden gem for years that never crossed the desk of myself or Robbie given our viewing histories, along with the fact that none of our podcast episodes are smash hits on YouTube that tally up millions of views every episode even though Robbie is the hottest Barstool name in the YouTube offices.

P.S. If I mention the 90s WWE Twitter, I also have to mention the Attitude Era Signs Twitter that is a throwback to a simpler time of life when wrestling was great and funny was funny.

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